Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Time For Us To Take A Chance

Today has been a peaceful day.
I was watching 'Coco Chanel' and realized that to be independant one must first be alone.
You cannot be with someone and still call youself doesn't work that way.
I feel like I need a change of pace, something new and exciting.
I crave an adventure! But no one is ready for the next step in life like I am.
Sometimes I wish I had money, so that then I could exprience the world from a different point, but then I tell myself "What is the point of working to make a name for yourself when you have money".
We're all trying to get famous...right?
WRONG! I am not trying to get famous I am just trying to find what's "real", and to discover who I am.
My goal in life is to be happy.
I want to be able to liv ea comfortable life and support my Mother in her old-age.

I don't feel like waiting, I am finally ready to take control of my own life.
I liek to think that I am free, even when I'm not.
Humans do nto have free will! We abide laws and follow direction, we may think we have the ability to say 'no' but we don't.

I can't find someone that's at the same level as me.
People stress out, they freak out, and they make a big deal.
I'm not that kind of person.
Under pressure I dance and sing.
Even though I can't dance, and can't sing.
Those are two ways I release pressure.

I can't sit around.
Sitting around KILLS me.
Spending a day in bed is exhausting!
I would rather go on a walk, clean, make, design!
I hate sitting.
My mind is constantly thinking up new ideas and projects, and I need CONSTANT change!

I need a boy who's at my level.
Someone who will jump on the bed with me and scream at the top of his lungs.
A hopeless romantic that will through fits of anger and bouts of me!
Someone who likes to create and do.
Someone who wants to make a difference.

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